Breeze through your partner discovery

How Breezy makes finding relevant partners quicker and hassle-free.

Keyword-based search

You tell us what your customers are searching for and we’ll scour the whole wide web for the most relevant partners for your brand.

Keyword-based search

Competitor partner analysis

We’ll dig out the details of your competitors’ partnerships and uncover lucrative lookalike opportunities. Sshhh, don’t tell!

Competitor partner

Partner relevancy ranking

No more sifting through pages of irrelevant listings. We give every partnership prospect a relevancy ranking so you can find the best first.

Partner relevancy

Data snapshot

Gone are the days of trawling through hundreds of websites. View a partner’s overlap, reach, geography, existing partners and more without ever leaving Breezy.


Advanced filters

Looking for that hidden partner opportunity? Find them quickly by filtering results by location, category, number of competitors, number of keywords they rank for and more.

Advanced filters

Advanced organisation

Easily arrange and categorise your Leads to suit your internal preferences, using features like notes, favourites and lists.

Advanced organisation

Get contact information

Request contact information for a list of Prospects that you wish to reach out to, and we will discover the information to power your outreach.

Get contact

Frequently asked questions

  • Cost & subscription

    • How much does Breezy cost?expand

      Breezy is a subscription product which you can pay for monthly or quarterly. See here for our pricing plans.

    • Can I cancel my subscription?expand

      Yes, you can easily cancel your subscription at any time via your Brand Account or by emailing us at

      Your cancellation will take effect at the end of your current billing period which corresponds to the last day of your Subscription Cycle. You’re responsible for all charges associated with your Subscription up until the end of the current subscription.

      Get in touch to discuss how a subscription to Breezy can suit your needs.

    • What features are included with free trial?expand

      A free trial for Breezy will give you 50 Breezy Credits to use on your first partner discovery.

      With a free trial, you’ll have access to Breezy’s keyword-based search, partner relevancy ranking, competitor partner analysis, advanced filters, the ability to save Leads to your ‘favourites’ and more.

      Essentially, you’ll be able to preview everything that you need to make partner discovery easy. If you like what you see, all you have to do is top up your Breezy Credits to continue running discoveries using our tailored partner discovery engine.

  • Why & who

    • Why should I register with Breezy?expand

      Finding partners is hard and time-consuming. In fact, the average affiliate or partnership manager spends 35% of their time sourcing new partners!

      Up until now, there haven’t been any solutions that fully solved this problem.

      Out of the businesses that already use partnerships as a growth channel, 100,000 aren’t on networks. These businesses are handling partner discovery and outreach from scratch!

      Meanwhile, 550,000 businesses are on networks. But since networks only cater for a small portion of opportunities, these businesses also have to look for other relevant partners beyond this or risk losing out.

      All in all, a solution that makes it quick and easy to find highly relevant partners has been a long time coming.

    • Who is Breezy for?expand

      If you’re part of a company that uses partnerships as a growth funnel (or would like to) then Breezy is for you. Our customers are:

      1. Businesses that already engage in partnerships… and are tired of the time and effort it takes to find partners.
      2. Businesses that don’t yet use partnerships… but would if it was quicker and easier.

      Our primary users include partnership managers, marketing managers, growth managers, CEOs and founders of small companies who are looking to self-grow their businesses.

  • Strategic partnerships

    • What does a strategic partnership mean?expand

      A strategic partnership is when two or more brands collaborate to bring benefits to both. This might be by teaming up on a strategic marketing campaign, creating a new product or anything in between.

      Read our article on the types of strategic partnership to see the huge variety of strategic partnerships out there.

    • How do you develop strategic partnerships?expand

      Developing a successful strategic partnership all starts at the discovery phase. For help on partner discovery, check out these easy ways to find strategic partners. Or, simply Book a demo of the Breezy platform to get started!

      However, it doesn’t end there. Once you’ve found the right partner, you’ll need to set realistic goals and expectations during the negotiation phase and then continue to nurture your relationship long after. Our piece on why partnerships fail should set you off on the right track.

    • How do I know what kind of strategic partnership is right for me?expand

      Every brand is different, so no two strategic partnerships are quite the same.

      With that in mind, the first step is always to ask yourself why you want a strategic partnership. Once you’ve come up with some clear objectives, you’ll need to consider whether the brands and partnership types you’re considering can help you to achieve those goals.

      Our guide to finding the right strategic partnership for your brand is a great place to start.

  • Affiliate marketing

    • What is affiliate marketing and how does it work?expand

      Affiliate marketing is a type of partnership marketing where a brand teams up with an affiliate marketer (also known as a publisher or affiliate). The affiliate receives performance-based commissions for promoting the brand’s products to their followers.

      Affiliates can come in all different shapes and sizes, from complementary brands to newspapers or influencers.

      Read our beginner’s guide to affiliate marketing to find out more.

    • Is Breezy an affiliate network?expand

      Nope, we’re not an affiliate network (we’d argue that we’re much, much better but we’ll leave that to you to decide!). That said, we can help you find affiliates.

      Breezy is essentially a super tailored partner search engine. Partners can be found anywhere, so instead of simply searching one network, Breezy searches the whole web – from Google to YouTube and other search engines – to find you the most relevant partners for your brand.

    • What does Breezy offer that affiliate networks don’t?expand

      For starters, an affiliate network can only recommend other brands and individuals who are using the network. So, suggestions aren’t particularly relevant. Breezy understands that your potential partners could be anywhere, so it searches the whole web and then ranks results by relevancy.

      On top of that, Breezy isn’t limited to just affiliate partnerships. You can use the tool to uncover all sorts of opportunities, from content partnerships to co-branding, sponsorship and charitable partnerships to name just a few.

      In short, Breezy is all about helping you to uncover the most relevant and suitable partners for your brand – wherever and whoever they may be.

    • Can I register with Breezy as a publisher or affiliate?expand

      Not yet, but you will be able to soon. Watch this space!

  • Partner Searches

    • How exactly does a Breezy Partner Search work?expand

      Every search you run on Breezy is powered by the information you give us. Before our discovery engine gets to work, we’ll ask you to input keywords and competitors related to the Product you’re looking for partners to promote. We’ll then uncover thousands of relevant Leads for you to sort and filter to your liking.

      The more data you give us, the more powerful your search will be, as it will allow us to find a greater number of Leads that are more highly relevant to display in your results page. Read our guide to how to run a Partner Search for more.

    • How long does it take to run a Partner Search?expand

      That depends on how much data you put in! The more information you give us, the more results we’ll be able to track down for you (and the longer it’ll take).

      If you give us 15 of your competitors and 400 keywords (which would cost you 625 Breezy Credits), it shouldn’t take any longer than 15-20 minutes to load up your report. Just enough time for a cuppa and a quick phone call with your nan!

    • How do I run the best Partner Search possible?expand

      Running a successful Partner Search on Breezy all comes down to three things:

      1. Detail: the more information you give us about your keywords and competitors, the more relevant partner suggestions we can generate for your brand.
      2. Specificity: If your business sells more than one product, try running more than one search. By mixing your competitors and keywords for separate products, your results are likely to get diluted, making them less relevant!
      3. Variants: Try running searches for different sets of indirect keywords your customers might be searching for. For example, an estate agent might input keywords related to death, debt or divorce to find relevant partners outside of the property industry.
  • Breezy Credits

    • What are Breezy Credits?expand

      Breezy Credits are a form of internal currency that you can use to access specific Breezy services. Each Breezy Credit has a value of £0.50. They can’t be exchanged for cash and can only be used in the specific manner indicated by us.

      Credits can be allocated to different actions including:

      Running a search

      Every input you enter costs Breezy credits. When you run a search, we’ll ask you to enter two main kinds of inputs.

      • Keywords or search phrases: these cost 1 Breezy Credit each.
      • URLs of competitors or similar brands: these cost 15 Breezy Credits each.
      Obtaining Prospect contact information

      If you request Prospect contact information, you’ll be charged 3 Breezy Credits for each contact you receive. You’ll be charged once Prospect contacts have been found rather than on request. This way, if we are unable to find a suitable Prospect contact, you won’t have to spend any Breezy credits.

    • Are there any limits on what you can use Breezy Credits for?expand

      You can use your Breezy Credits in any combination you like. For example, you might choose to spend 200 Breezy Credits on running a single Partner Search. Or, you could use the same number of credits to run multiple searches and obtain Prospect contact information.

      While running a search, you can also add any combination of keywords and competitors, provided that you have enough credits in your account.

      Just bear in mind that every search requires you to enter at least 1 keyword or search phrase, and at least 1 competitor or similar brand URL. This means that a search will take up at least 16 credits.

    • How do I buy Breezy Credits?expand

      Your Breezy subscription will come with a set number of credits per month. You can choose between three tiers: 250 credits, 500 credits and 1,000 credits. You can also top-up as many times as you like to add more credits on top of your existing subscription plan.

    • Do my Breezy Credits expire?expand

      No. Any unused Breezy credits associated with your trial subscription or with a full subscription will remain in your account even if your subscription has expired or been cancelled. They’ll be usable in the future if you return to purchase a paid subscription with the same Brand Account.

Have more questions?

Email us at

Join Breezy

Say goodbye to your realms of spreadsheets and make Breezy the place you organise, filter and sort your partner prospects 10x more efficiently. What are you waiting for?