Make the Breezy blog your one-stop guide to partnerships

Get the inside scoop on everything to do with finding, developing and maintaining strategic partnerships.

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Imogen Beech

Your complete guide to sponsorship marketing

A whopping $0.9 billion is projected to be spent on sponsorship globally by the end of 2023. But despite this sizable market, we’d argue that sponsorship is an effective marketing strategy that’s still underestimated and underutilised.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to nail your affiliate outreach

If you want to grow a successful affiliate program, you’ll need to nail your affiliate outreach first. Without affiliates, your affiliate program won’t earn you a penny!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to find affiliate marketers: 12 easy ways

If you've nailed down your affiliate program's offering, then it’s time to spread the word. From using the powers of social media to employing an affiliate manager, here are 12 key ways to get your affiliate program out there and nail publisher discovery.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

6 real-life coopetition examples

Coopetition – a mix of the words ‘competition’ and ‘cooperation’ – is when you cooperate with your competitors. Here, we’ll share six real-life coopetition examples that prove just how powerful it can be to corroborate with the enemy (ahem, competition!).

Publication date
Imogen Beech

A guide to co-selling and how to do it like a pro

If you’ve ever struggled to sell a product and wished you had someone to help, we’ve got news for you. Co-selling is your friend! Here, we’ll help you to become a pro at co-selling, so you can reap its many benefits.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

What is a partner ecosystem and why should you want one?

The chances are you’ve heard the term ‘partner ecosystem’ of late. But what exactly is it? Why should you want one? And is it possible that you already have a partner ecosystem without even realising it?! We'll answer all your burning questions here.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

What are the 23 types of strategic partnerships?

Take a look at any successful brand and we bet a strategic partnership (or two!) has been key to their success. If you haven’t yet thought about investing in a partnership program, here's everything you need to know to get started.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

6 standout outsourcing examples

Outsourcing can be a fantastic way for companies to save money, save time and gain expertise. But what exactly does a good outsourcing partnership look like? Here are some outstanding outsourcing examples to shed some light.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

21 killer B2B partnership examples

B2B partnerships are all about businesses teaming up together to pool their skills, audiences and resources to bring benefits to both. But what exactly does a B2B partnership look like? Here are 21 killer B2B partnership examples that demonstrate the myriad ways that businesses can gain value by teaming up together.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: February ’23

The days are getting longer and the Valentine’s Day cards are coming down… which can only mean one thing. It’s time we released February’s strategic partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Types of B2B partnerships: the complete breakdown

Like-minded businesses can make fantastic partners. And these collaborations can take more forms than you might think. Here, we’ll hone in on these partners to explore all the types of B2B partnerships that you might want to have in your arsenal.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: January '23

January may not be known as the most cheerful of months. But it looks like partnership managers around the world have been beating the January blues by forming some exciting new partnerships for us to ogle at.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: December ’22

2023 is here! But as much as we’re looking forward to heading into the new year, we mustn’t forget to look back on the year just gone. Which includes releasing December’s partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The value of cross-sector partnerships

Strategic partnerships are about organisations working together to reach common goals. And cross-sector partnerships are no different. The only thing added into the mix is that the organisations are – you guessed it – from different sectors!

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Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: November ’22

Whether you’ve had your Christmas tree up for weeks or it’s still waaaay too early, there’s no escaping the Christmas ads, festive lights and parties. Which can only mean one thing: December is here and it’s time to release November’s partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

8 affiliate industry trends for 2022 and beyond

Affiliate marketing is evolving constantly. In a space that’s changing so quickly, the ability to keep up with new affiliate industry trends is a must. Here are 8 top trends we’re seeing unfold in 2022.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: October '22

The spooky film recommendations are popping up on Netflix and the trick-or-treaters are eagerly preparing to make their rounds – which can only mean one thing. The time has come for October’s partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: September ‘22

Summer is well and truly over – the kids are back at school and the days are getting shorter. But there is a silver lining. Brands around the world are back at work, knuckling down to create strategic partnerships that can help them to level up their businesses.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Your partnership industry guide 2022

The partnership industry just keeps growing. In fact, the number of strategic partnerships formed increases by 15% every year. But behind the impressive stats is a whole range of job roles, entities, technologies and partners beavering away to keep the partnership industry going from strength to strength.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: August ’22

It’s been so hot this summer that you’d be forgiven for thinking nobody would have managed to get any work done at all. But you’d be surprised! In true heroic fashion, partnership managers and business leaders across the globe have continued to form new partnerships to help them grow their brands.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: July

School’s out for summer! But while the school holidays are well and truly underway, there’s no rest for businesses who've been as busy as ever forming partnerships that can help them reach their goals.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: June

June is all about barbecues, picnics and (hopefully!) the odd heatwave. But it’s also the time for strategic partnerships! Here's our pick of the best partnership news to have sprung up this month.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: May

Summer is on the way. But instead of winding down, partnership activities are ramping up! That’s right, a whole host of new partnerships have been formed this month, so there’s a lot to update you on.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

What is the role of a strategic partner?

Partnerships make the world go round. But there’s no point in forming a strategic partnership just because that’s what everyone else is doing. Instead, it’s important to understand what a strategic partner can bring to your business and how they can help you to achieve your objectives.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Your affiliate link disclosure template UK

Got affiliate links to share? In the UK, you legally have to disclose them. Don't worry, we're here to make life easy for you with these effective affiliate link disclosure templates.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: April

We’ve barely blinked and April is already on its way out, which can only mean one thing: it’s time for our April strategic partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

7 partner marketing best practices

You need to carefully plan your partner marketing strategy so that it’s working as hard as it can for you and your business. The first step? Brush up on these partner marketing best practices to be sure you’re on the right track.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: March

Spring is on its way. And just as the daffodils are poking their heads up, so is a whole host of strategic partnerships that have been formed throughout the month of March! Here are our favourites.

Publication date
Gemma Lavers

7 Successful startup partnership examples

It’s not always easy to navigate the world of partnerships as a startup. Sometimes it can feel like you’re making no progress at all, or even that you’re going in the wrong direction. If you do feel like this, this blog might just be the one to get you inspired again.

Publication date
Gemma Lavers

Strategic partnership news: February

February. The shortest month of the year, but the one we seem to pack the most into. After all, February is the month of love, so it’s only fitting that brands around the world are taking their relationships to the next level by partnering up.

Publication date
Gemma Lavers

10 Tips for successful partnerships in 2023

You might have jumped the hurdle of finding the perfect brand to partner with. The next hurdle you’ll have to jump is strategising how you plan to make this partnership successful. Here are our ten top tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your partnerships in 2023.

Publication date
Gemma Lavers

Affiliate marketing vs influencer marketing: which fits my business the best?

Affiliate marketing and influencer marketing are both channels that can help you reach new audiences, increase brand awareness and boost sales. So, they’re very similar and share many overlaps. However, there are some differences between them. Here, we’ll break down those differences and help you to understand which could fit your business best.

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Gemma Lavers

Strategic partnership news: January

For many, January can be a long and slow month. But for brands across the world this is one of the busiest months of the year. The Christmas slump is well out of the way, and businesses are open and ready to embrace new strategic partnerships which may come their way.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The affiliate marketing landscape 2022

Affiliate marketing has now been generating income for businesses for more than 20 years (read our history of affiliate marketing if you don’t believe us!). And, despite no longer being the new kid on the block, it continues to grow and surpass expectations.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

7 top tips for making profitable partnerships

It’s all very well to find strategic partners and grow your partnership programme. But, as fantastic as partnerships are, there’s no point in doing any of that if your partnerships aren’t going to generate ROI for your brand.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

10 Best strategic partnerships of 2021

The festive season is all about reflecting on the year just gone to focus on making the next even better. So, we’ve decided to do just that and have replaced this month’s partnership news roundup with a roundup of the best strategic partnerships to have been formed across the whole year.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: November

The Christmas lights are going up and tubs of Celebrations and Quality Streets are stacked high in the supermarkets. Whether it’s too early to get into the festive spirit or not is debatable, but one thing that can never come soon enough is… our monthly partnership news roundup!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

10 of the best partner marketing examples

Partner marketing is an umbrella term that includes any type of strategic partnership centred around marketing. Here, we’ve shared our favourite examples that span the whole range of what partner marketing can look like.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Your complete partner marketing guide

A whopping 75% of world trade flows indirectly, according to Forrester, making channels, partnerships and alliances crucial. But what actually is partner marketing? And how does it work?

Publication date
Imogen Beech

5 out-of-this-world comarketing examples

With a comarketing campaign, brands can leverage one another’s reach and reputation to create a marketing campaign with double the impact! But who’s doing it really well? Here are some of our favourite comarketing examples.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

What is comarketing? Your complete comarketing guide

If you negotiate, manage or read about strategic partnerships, the chances are you’ve heard the word ‘comarketing’ crop up here and there. But what exactly is it?! If you’re looking for answers, you’re in the right place.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: October

The days may be getting shorter, but partnership managers seem to have been as busy as ever forming exciting new partnerships that we can’t wait to tell you about. Here’s a selection of our favourites.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

5 totally awesome seasonal partnership examples

Whether you’re looking to leverage the magic of Christmas, the romance of Valentine’s Day, the chaos of half-term or the purchasing frenzy of Black Friday, a seasonal partnership is a trick you’ll want to have up your sleeve. Here are 5 totally awesome seasonal partnership examples for some inspiration.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: September

In this second instalment of our monthly strategic partnership news roundup, we’ll introduce you to some groundbreaking partnerships and industry updates to have emerged during the month of September. From Uber Eats nabbing one of Deliveroo’s partners to Volvo helping the Eden Project to reduce carbon emissions, here are our top picks.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to be a successful partnership manager

Being a successful partnership manager isn’t just about learning how to do the job and then carrying it out for the rest of time. Instead, you’ll need to keep up with changes in best practice, the latest advances in technology and the forever shifting partnerships landscape.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Strategic partnership news: August

In our new monthly partnership news roundup, we’ll showcase some of the month’s most interesting and innovative partnerships. All you have to do is make yourself a cuppa and scroll through our summary to keep your finger on the partnerships pulse.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Balancing SEO and affiliate marketing: 5 top tips

SEO has a conversion rate that’s seven times higher than any other traffic source in affiliate marketing. So, it's important to understand how to make SEO and affiliate marketing work together in harmony. Follow our five top tips to nail it.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to make money affiliate marketing on Instagram

Instagram can be a fantastic platform for affiliate marketing. However, there are some quirks of the platform that can make getting rewarded for paid partnerships on Instagram just a little bit challenging. With that in mind, here’s how to make money affiliate marketing on Instagram.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to make money with affiliate marketing: 11 simple tips

You can’t just become an affiliate marketer and expect the cash to come rolling in automatically. Instead, making money with affiliate marketing requires careful consideration. To help, we’ve listed our top 11 tips about how to make money with affiliate links.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to nail your partner ecosystem strategy

The latest buzzword among industry leaders, partner ecosystems are no longer just a ‘nice to have.’ Rather, they’ve become a crucial tool for staying ahead of your competition in a fast-moving market and preventing your business from becoming vulnerable to disruption.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to create an affiliate program for your business

If you want to benefit from the growth that affiliate marketing can bring your business, you’ll need to set up an affiliate program first. Here, we’ll look at how to create an affiliate program for your business. And, just as importantly, how to create an affiliate marketing program that affiliates actually want to join.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to run a Partner Search on Breezy

Wandering how to use Breezy to find the most relevant partners for your brand? Here, we’ll look at how to run a Partner Search that has the best possible chance of generating you high-value Leads, Prospects and ultimately, Partners.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to choose the best affiliate link tracking software

It’s not enough just to set up an affiliate marketing program. You’ll need the technology that allows you to run and manage it, as well as a way of attributing sales to the affiliates who’ve promoted your products. That’s where affiliate link tracking software comes in.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

9 famous joint venture examples

Does BMW Brilliance ring any bells? How about MillerCoors? You must have heard of the streaming platform, Hulu? Well, all three of them have one thing in common – they’re joint ventures!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The big joint venture guide

A joint venture partnership is, arguably, the messiest and most legally entangling type of strategic partnership there is. But let’s be honest: nothing that’s worth doing comes without risks and challenges!

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Your ultimate outsourcing guide

The chances are that you’ve heard of outsourcing. But what exactly is it? And how can brands use it strategically to save time, save money and gain expertise?

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The 6 best product partnership examples

Joint product partnerships are all about teaming up with a partner to create new products or improving existing ones. We've selected our favourite product partnership examples to give you some inspiration for your own collaborations. Chances are you’ll recognise at least a few.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The definitive guide to product partnerships

A lot of the time, strategic partnerships involve two companies working together to market their brands or products. But why not go a step further and team up with a partner brand to launch new products or improve existing ones? That’s exactly what a joint product partnership is all about.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

When did affiliate marketing start? A brief history

Affiliate marketing as we know it relies heavily on the internet, cookies and tracking links. But depending on how you look at it, the principles behind affiliate marketing have been around since long before the dawn of the internet. So, when did affiliate marketing actually start? Our brief timeline should help to shed some light.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

How to find strategic partnerships: 15 easy ways

We bang on all the time about what the right strategic partner can achieve for your brand. But we know what you’re thinking: there’s no point in any of that if you don’t have a clue how to actually find strategic partnerships! To help you out, we’ve revealed the 15 easiest ways to find strategic partners – focusing primarily on partner marketing.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

10 impactful charity partnership examples

Just what does a charity-corporate partnership look like? Well, since the term can incorporate any kind of partnership between a business and a charity, the sky's the limit! To give you some inspiration, we’ve listed 10 charity partnership examples that have really nailed it.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

9 incredible examples of sponsorship marketing

Whether you’re watching the junior football tournament down the road or bingeing on The X Factor, you’ve probably become accustomed to seeing sponsors’ logos staring back at you in every walk of life. We've selected our favourite sponsorship marketing examples.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Forrester’s channel software tech stack for 2021

This month saw the release of Forrester's channel software tech stack for 2021 – a list of the tech that helps companies to find, onboard, execute, manage and measure partnerships. This year’s list includes 183 companies (including Breezy!) who together generated a whopping $2.8 billion in revenue in 2020.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

18 ingenious product placement examples

Think back to the last movie you watched. Did you spot any product placements? Whether you notice it or not, product placement is taking place all around you, all the time. Read on to reveal the best product placement examples.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

112 stats you never knew about strategic partnerships

If you’re wondering what all the fuss is about strategic partnerships, wonder no more. We’ve compiled a selection of the most interesting, absurd and downright amazing strategic partnership stats from all over the web that prove just how awesome partnerships really are.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

12 best influencer marketing platforms

With 49% of consumers depending on influencer recommendations (according to Influencer Orchestration Network), influencer marketing is fast becoming a vital part of any brand’s partnership strategy. If your plan is to hop aboard and form some successful influencer partnerships, we’ve listed the best influencer marketing platforms to help.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

5 fantastic co-branding examples

To give you a little bit of inspiration, we’ve taken a look at five fantastic co-branding examples. From jumping out of a helium balloon to encouraging kids to exercise, these brands have created waves with their creative approaches to co-branding partnerships. Here’s what we can learn from them.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

The complete guide to co-branding partnerships

The likelihood is that you’ve heard of co-branding. After all, it’s one of those terms that gets thrown around left, right and centre whenever anyone even mentions strategic partnerships. And it seems to work for all the big guys (Red Bull, Intel, Apple…need we say more?). But what exactly is it?

Publication date
Imogen Beech

7 excellent examples of content marketing partnerships

We’ve listed seven of our favourite pieces of content that have been born out of strategic content partnerships. From charities to newspapers, fashion brands to tech companies, these businesses have collaborated to create content that they could only ever have dreamed of creating alone.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

Why partnerships fail (and how to develop successful strategic partnerships!)

We’re going to talk straight with you: over half of strategic partnerships fail. Depressing, right?! However, looking just at the odds implies that whether or not your partnership survives is down to chance alone. Which of course, we know is nonsense. Here's how to avoid those common pitfalls and develop successful strategic partnerships.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

6 excellent examples of affiliate websites: the bloggers

Thinking about becoming an affiliate marketer? Or working with one to grow your business? To give you some much-needed inspiration, we’ve hunted down some of the most successful affiliate marketing websites run by bloggers. Let’s take a look at what we can learn from these successful affiliates.

Publication date
Imogen Beech

9 excellent examples of affiliate websites: the big guys

Perhaps you’re toying with the idea of taking the leap into affiliate marketing. Or maybe you’re already a seasoned affiliate who's looking for ways to increase your income. Either way, these excellent examples of affiliate marketing websites are sure to provide you with the inspiration you need.